Did Quarantine Madness Make Me Like Fate The Winx Saga? -Or- Ranking Fantasy TV Can Be Fun
A tremendous amount of incredible world-building was done in the season’s six episodes. That in itself will bring me back for a season 2. - So when thinking about this show, and the litany of fantasy TV on right now, I decided to rank/micro-review the shows I’ve binged during the quarantine.
So as COVID quarantine reaches the year mark, I’m convinced of two things: sweatpants are the missing part of my life (sorry my one and only son), and that there is so much content on streaming services that I can’t tell what’s good anymore. I’ve gone through so much of it, I’m numb and jaded.
It’s kinda like excessive masturbation and/or porn. You consume too much that the “normal” stuff doesn’t do it for you anymore. A critique I’ve ascribed to people who leave extra-crappy reviews of my books. One quick Goodreads check of how much said reviewer consumes of a certain genre later and I’m convinced they have the literary equivalent of crotch-callouses. But anyway . . .
So knowing nothing about it, I recently watched Fate The Winx Saga on Netflix. And to be honest I watched 10 minutes of the first ep, met the main character, and turned it off saying “nope.” But a buddy of mine told me to give it a second chance. Sigh. Well, I made a NY resolution to be less critical, so why not? Lord knows I don’t want to be accused of acting like the crotch-calloused angry reviewers of my books who gave up early and never got to the actual characters or story. So since I love the fantasy genre, a Winx’ing I went. And I’m glad I did.
Fate The Winx Saga is freaking ridiculous. But a fun ride nonetheless. It lifts from so many other properties you can literally separate the vertical slices and see the borrowed story architecture.
Academy for magic beings - Harry Potter, Worst Witch, X-Men, Umbrella Academy, etc.
Non-Magical warriors who protect Fairies - Warders from Wheel of Time/Aes Sedai
Elemental powers based on region - Avatar The Last Airbender/Pokemon
A chosen one who doesn’t know who/how powerful they are - literally every 3rd book, movie, or TV show
A teaching staff hiding a dark secret - See above
In spite of these criticisms, I loved the show. But it had nothing to do with the main character. Bloom, the fire fairy (God I feel dumb saying that), was my least favorite part of the show. It was her friends, Aisha, Terra, and Musa that made it for me. Even Headmistresses Dowling, who had a draconian-yet-maternal nature, enhanced the show. Maybe it’s that everyone except Bloom had an English accent, thus making her seem like a whining dimwit? (British people are better than us.) Even Stella, the rich byotch-turned-ally of the show was a better character in my opinion. No fault of the actress, Abigail Cowen of Sabrina fame, it was just that the character that was written to be an angsty, darkly-troubled, audience surrogate.
While I don’t consider myself to be a great writer, it doesn’t take a great one to spot bad story structure. So, when you make your MC a hard pill to swallow, but use them as the window for the audience, you run the risk of losing the audience. What really hooked me, and kept me watching, was the tremendous amount of incredible world-building that was done in the season’s six episodes. That in itself will bring me back for a season 2.
So when thinking about this show, and the litany of fantasy TV on right now, I decided to rank/micro-review the shows I’ve binged during the quarantine.
Note: this is not an all-inclusive list. I’m limiting myself to “recent” releases and/or things I’ve watched (re-watched) during the COVID quarantine. So no Game of Thrones, Supernatural, or anything like that. As well, the following list is based on my enjoyment, and not overall quality, production, or critical acclaim. So without further ado, here we go. I’ve broken them into the bottom five, middle eight, and the top ten.